
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Case studies method

Case study is a research method involving a detailed investigation of a single individual or a single or a single organized group. In case study, the researcher obtains as much relevant information as possible about particular case including the thoughts, feelings, life experiences, and social relationship. This method is very widely used in clinical setting to diagnoses and treat psychologically distressed individual. That is why this method is often named as case history method. Case study is however, a broad term in which we may include case history. Many theories of psychology are based on case study method. For example, entire theory of Freud was based on his case studies of his patients.

A.   It can study particular case in detail and is thus very useful to understand particular case.
B.   We can use other methods like observation, interview while conducting case study. That is why this method is considered as very flexible method.
C.   This method is very useful in clinical researches especially in diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems.

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