
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Does psychology possess these features of science ?

psychology studies behavior of human as well as animal in very systematic stepwise procedure through experimentation and observation. Researches carried are not done haphazardly. Though strict measurement like physical scale might not be possible, many psychological attributes like intelligence, attitudes and personality characteristics are accurately measures in psychology. psychologists can even predict the relationship between variables like personality and academic achievement, intelligence and learning. They can explain cause and effect relationship accurately. the studies in psychology are not subject to blessedness. psychologists put emphasis on fairness in collecting and interpreting the result, The facts, principles and theories in psychology can be tested again and again (verifiable). The ultimate goal of psychology is to generate universal principle about behaviors. Through complete universality is not possible in social sciences, still psychology attempts to formulate universal principle by studying the similarities and differences across cultures. as we have seen psychology possess all the characteristics of science it can be considered as a science

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