
Friday, January 6, 2012

Introduction to psychology as a science

Before introducing you to the field of psychology, it will be better to talk about some common misconceptions people hold about psychology. many people believe tat psychology and common sense are the same.others conceive that psychologists are face readers. some others perceive that psychologists can even read mind. similarly, some people consider psychologists as the ones who deal with mentally ill people only, and for some psychiatry and psychology are same subjects.

Due to such misconceptions,people often feel uncomfortable to talk with the persons from psychology. this is why, even students of psychology find it difficult to get study subject for their research or experiment. if you do have any of the above mentioned concepts in your mind, you are not very aware about what the psychologist does or what psychology focuses on. so, let us make the concept of psychology clear first. psychology is the science of behavior and mental or cognitive processes. it is a science in that it uses systematized methods to study behavior of both human and animals. it studies why individuals behave in the particular way. it also focuses on the internal mental processes of an individual that are supposed to play role in the behavior of the individual. psychologists are not mind readers. However, they can make inferences about the mental processes accurately by carefully studying behavior or through use of certain standardized psychological tests.

Though some psychologists work to treat mentally ill people not all the psychologists are concerned about treating mentally ill people only. there are more than100 branches of psychology in which psychologists work. Also,there is huge difference in psychiatry and psychology (clinical psychology). Even though these two disciplines focus their attention to treat mentally ill people, their academic qualifications and orientations are different. clinical psychologists are the ones who have completed their specialization with clinical psychology as the major subject. They focus more on psychology origin of mental illnesses and use psychological techniques to treat mentally ill people. psychiatrists are the ones who have completed their specialization with psychiatry as the major subject. they focus more on the biological factors of mental illnesses and primarily use medicines to treat mental illness.