
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Method of psychology

methods are the way we collect information. All individuals use methods to colect information. However, scientific methods are different  from the common sense methods in that they have systematic and objective procedures. There are various methods used in psychological researches to collect the information. Four widely used in psychological researches to collect the information. Four widely used methods used in psychological research are described here.

                                                 Experimental Method
in experimental  method experiments are carried out in controlled condition.Experiments are usually conducted in laboratory situations for finding out cause and effect relationship between variables. After conducting experiments one can clearly say that one variable is causing another variable. Experiments are the situations in which the researcher manipulates one or more variables and then observes the effect of that manipulation on another variable. in other words, experimenter manipulates independent variable. and observes the effect of that manipulation  on dependent variable. variable refers to an event or condition which can have different values

               in experimental method generally research participants (subjects) are divided into two groups i.e. control group and experimental group. For success of an experiment the random assignment of subject (i.e. each of the participants has an equal chance to be assigned to either experimental group or control group) is employed while categorizing them in to two group The participants in experimental group are exposed to experimental condition (i.e. independent variable is manipulated and its effect is observed in dependent variable) while control group works as a comparison group who are not exposed to experimental condition. This group is used as reference group for comparing the result of manipulation of independent variable on dependent variable. if there is no difference in result of control and experimental group, the independent variable is said to have no impact on dependent variable

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