
Thursday, January 12, 2012


Neuron is the structural and functional unit of nervous system that processes and transmits information of nervous system. The peculiar property of an neuron is that it cannot be replaced once destroyed because neurons do not go through mitosis (A process of cell division)neurons conduct the information in the form of electrical impulses from one part of the body to another. For example, if you touch a candle flame for more than an instant, pain nerves (receptors) in your finger send a message up through your hand and arm to the spinal cord and the brain. The brain records PAIN and sends message back down to various parts of the body. The mouth cries, “Ouch!” the arm, hand and body jerk away from he flame, and the finger hurts. This all happens in milliseconds. Much of the brain is made highly specialized neurons. They interact to control he different senses, thought, mood and motion. Neurons exist in a number of different shapes and sizes and can be classified by their morphology and function (Neuron, Retrieved on March 11 2010.).The number of neurons in a human nervous system has been estimated at 100 to200 billion (Mangal, 2006).

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