
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Types of Neuron:

Neurons can be classified in different way. We can classify neuron as unipolar, bipolar and multipolar. We can also divide them as Myelinated. Another classification of neuron is sensory, motor and interneuron. We will discuss this classification here. This classification divides neuron into different type according to the function they carry out.

A.  Sensory Neuron: Sensory neurons, also knowh as afferent neurons, are the types of neuron wich carry out the information from different parts of body to brain and spinal cord. These neurons lie in peripheral nervoussystem and carry message from special receptors in skin, muscles and other internal and external sense organs to the spinal cord which sends them along to the brain. They evoke sensations of touch, pain, heat, cold, vision, hearing and taste.

B.   Motor Neurons: Motor neurons (motion producing), also known as efferent neurons, are the type of neurons that carry oders from the central nervous system to muscles, glands and internal organs. They enable us to move our bodies and cause glands to contract and secret various substances. Most motor neurons are stimulated by interneurons although some are stimulated directly by sensory neurons. These neurons are responsible for all motor activities.
C.   Interneurons: Interneurons, also known as association neurons are the neurons that connect various neurons. These neurons are found in brain and spinal cord and represent the majority of neurons in our brain. They are stimulated by signals reaching them from sensory neurons, other interneurons and both. It is estimated that the human brain contains 100 billion interneurons averaging 1000 synapses on each.

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